
Save the World from Polluters’ Lies

Save the World from Polluters’ Lies

Entrenched Rich Industrialists Destroy the Planet with the Help of Well Bribed Government Flunkies


Stalemate in Copenhagen

Global attempts to craft a pivotal new climate treaty in Copenhagen this December are being stymied by a far-reaching, multinational backlash led by fossil fuel industries and other heavy carbon emitters, according to an eight-country report by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. Read More

Stephen Rountree


A Climate Dilemma for China

Fast-growing China is key to a global climate pact, but its leaders have made no firm commitments on emissions controls. Despite setting ambitious goals for renewables, the government is under pressure by forces that favor continued heavy reliance on abundant, carbon-intensive coal. Read More



BINGOs and the Global Lobbyist

Industries that once fought against a global agreement to curb emissions have shifted strategies. Today, they admit that controls are needed, while wooing U.N. delegates — at coffee and hotel bars — to use language that would slow and likely weaken the resulting accord. Read More

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

The United States

A Case of Lowered Expectations

President Obama promised a new chapter of U.S. leadership on climate change, but his administration has worked to lower expectations for the emissions cuts the world will see. The problem: vested interests and intensive lobbying in a nation that relies on coal to generate half of its electricity. Read More



“Brown Down” in Australia

The sky over Sydney Harbor Bridge reddened this fall due to dust swept in from Australia’s drought-stricken interior. Australia may be especially vulnerable to climate change, but it also relies so heavily on cheap coal that global warming policy has been a battle. Read More

Quentin Jones, Courtesy of Fairfax Media
Key Facts
70 percent coal-based energy
World's largest carbon emitter
Goal of 15 percent renewable energy by 2020


A Climate Dilemma for China

Beijing — Although China is now the world’s top greenhouse gas producer, it leaders insist that Western countries, which contributed the bulk of carbon emissions, bear primary responsibility for a solution. Even within China’s one-party system, businesses vie for influence on climate policy. And the battle now being played out will have profound consequences for the effort to address global warming.

Key Facts
Largest historical carbon emitter
Climate lobbyists soared 400 percent in six years
Eyeing return to near 1990 levels by 2020

United States

A Case of Lowered Expectations

Washington — Other nations complain that the United States, despite President Obama’s pledge of leadership, has not made the commitment to address climate change that is needed from the country that over time has contributed the most to the greenhouse gas burden now in the atmosphere. His international negotiators have worked to lower expectations for what the world can expect from a nation where coal-fired, energy-gobbling industries dominate the political scene and there are five climate lobbyists for every member of Congress.

Key Facts
Global leader in coal exports
Largest per-capita greenhouse emissions among major global economies
Aims for 20 percent renewable energy by 2020


“Brown Down” in Australia

Sydney — Scores of interests have fought over the last year to “brown down” Australia’s first comprehensive plan to cut its greenhouse gas emissions. Although the hot and dry continent faces severe peril due to climate change, industries that rely on cheap coal power have used the threat of economic risk to fight Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s effort to address global warming.

Key Facts
Deforestation responsible for 55 percent of emissions
Will double oil production in next 10 years
Aims for 80 percent decrease in deforestation by 2020


Caught Between Competing Interests in Brazil

Even though Brazil’s carbon emissions are low compared to those of the United States or China, the country plays a key role in global warming as home to the largest expanse of Amazon rain forest: About 55 percent of the country’s emissions are now due to deforestation. Agribusinesses and their political allies have balked at proposed environmental controls, and argue that Brazil should not rush to act on global warming until wealthier countries offer their plans...

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