Capitalism, Fascism and World War
The relationship of fascism and capitalism as illustrated by the events of World War 2
by Gary Sudborough
The United States bears more than a superficial responsibility for the Nazi Holocaust: e.g., the turning away of Jewish, Romani, and other refugees; funding the concentration camp system; underwriting the Third Reich’s military; delay in opening a western front; policies of appeasement before the war; siding with the fascists during the Spanish Civil War; turning down Stalin’s offer to attack Germany jointly in 1938; providing theoretical inspiration for Lebensraum, final solutions, anti-communism, anti-Semitism, eugenics, etc; rebuilding Germany after the war with the fascist infrastructure still intact; saving war criminals; general ideological support…
Most Americans know enough about the Nazi holocaust to thoroughly despise the horrible events that occurred - the torture, executions, concentration camps, forced starvation, gas chambers and the attempted extermination of the Jews.
I wonder what Americans would think if they knew that the part of this Nazi terror apparatus which operated on the Russian front was incorporated into the CIA after World War 2. The Nazi SS officer was Reinhard Gehlen, and he and his group were employed by the CIA for their knowledge of the Soviet Union.
The SS death squads that followed the German advance into the Soviet Union were very brutal, killing any communists and Jews they found. The CIA used Nazi war criminals like Klaus Barbie, Walter Rauff, Otto Skorzeny and others in South America to impart their knowledge of torture techniques and concentration camps to the police and militaries there. Klaus Barbie was involved in the 1980 Bolivian coup known as the "cocaine coup" that is described in former DEA agent Michael Levine's book The Big White Lie.
There is a close and often ignored relationship between fascism and capitalism. German corporations financed Hitler's rise to power and were rewarded by slave labor. Krupp, I.G. Farben and other corporations used Jewish and Slavic slave labor. Alfred Krupp called girl babies born to his slaves "useless feeders" because they were not as strong a potential worker as were boy babies. These girl babies were gassed.
American corporations invested heavily in Nazi Germany, and many like General Motors and Ford had factories there, which also used slave labor and produced war materials for the Nazis. US corporate investment in Germany accelerated rapidly after Hitler came to power. Investment increased 48.5% between 1929 and 1940, while declining in the rest of continental Europe. American bombers deliberately avoided hitting these US factories, and they received compensation from the American taxpayer for any damage after the war. US oil companies sold oil to the Nazis and oil on credit to the fascists in Spain.
Many American capitalists were openly sympathetic to the Nazis. Henry Ford wrote a book called The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem, and he is mentioned in Mein Kampf. James Mooney, the General Motors executive in charge of European operations, was awarded the Order of Merit of the Golden Eagle by Adolf Hitler. There were op-ed pieces by Nazis like Hermann Göring in Hearst newspapers in the United States.
The Nazis broke unions, lowered wages, abolished overtime pay, decreased business taxes and increased business subsidies. Their program bears a strong resemblance to the Republican agenda in this country.
The CIA was very concerned about the survival of capitalism in Europe after World War 2 because the anti-Nazi resistance movements in many countries like France, Italy and Greece were led by communists and socialists. Therefore, many bankers, industrialists, judges, lawyers, educators, etc. who were fascists were put back in power because they were the most virulently anti-Communist.
Britain even invaded Greece to fight the Greek communists, who had driven the Nazis from their country, and the United States later took over with massive military aid to Greek fascists and former Nazi collaborators. The Italian Communist Party was poised to win postwar elections in Italy. Consequently, the CIA mounted a huge disinformation campaign there and gave millions of dollars to opposition parties.
I have a theory that World War 2 in Europe was at least in part the second attempt to destroy socialism in the Soviet Union. After the Bolshevik revolution, every capitalist nation on Earth invaded Russia in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy this alternative to capitalism. Then, there was a wave of repression against leftists in the capitalist countries. In the United States the IWW was destroyed, socialists like Eugene Debs were imprisoned, and anarchists like Emma Goldman were arrested and deported. Other anarchists like Sacco and Vanzetti were framed and executed.
Although the Nazis attacked other capitalist countries, the focus of their military onslaught was the Soviet Union. Over 80% of German casualties took place on the Russian front, and the vast majority of their military forces were located there. The Nazis lost 300,000 men at Stalingrad alone. The United States stayed out of the war for three long years as Russia bore the brunt of the fascist attack and only entered as Russian forces were driving the Germans rapidly back toward Berlin. American policymakers had to be worried that all of Europe would go communist.
Mussolini said that fascism is corporatism, but I think that is much too mild a description.
Fascism is essentially corporate power coming down with a vengeance on the heads of working people, although fascists often mask their real agenda with some populist rhetoric and even call their parties things like National Socialist, etc. I maintain that what we have in most countries of the world today is really fascism, but fascism cloaked in a facade of democracy and supported by an extremely efficient propaganda system…
The ideas I have expressed in this article are so startling to most Americans that I need to give references: The Arms of Krupp by William Manchester, Understanding the F-Word by David McGowan, The Splendid Blond Beast by Christopher Simpson and Turning the Tide by Noam Chomsky
- Gary Sudborough
Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance Between the U.S. Establishment and the Nazis, Before, During and After World War II
A large volume of documentary evidence exists that reveals that many of the richest, most powerful men in the United States, and the giant corporations they controlled, were secretly allied with the Nazis, both before and during World War II, even after war was declared between Germany and America. This alliance began with U.S. corporate investment during the reconstruction of post-World War I Germany in the 1920s and, years later, included financial, industrial and military aid to the Nazis.
On this page we will review which prominent Americans and corporations were involved, what aid and comfort they gave our nation's enemies - treasonable offences during time of war, and investigations into these matters which produced evidence of a US/Nazi corporate conspiracy to bring a fascist state to America, and eliminate competition in the industrial raw materials market in order to force world-wide dependence on oil-based petrochemicals.
The secret U.S./Nazi corporate alliance during World War II was the result of substantial American investment in post-World War I Germany. In order to protect these investments, and the accumulating profits, the U.S. multinational corporations remained an important part of the Nazi war machine until the final defeat of Germany in 1945.
What effect did the end of World War II have on this faction of American Nazi collaborators?
The evidence, much of it from recently de-classified documents, that this pro-Nazi faction, rather than facing charges of high treason, became an integral part of the United States national security apparatus, extending its fascist influence in both foreign and domestic policies and, in effect, creating what has been referred to as America's "Invisible Government."
As the war turned irrevocably against the Third Reich, top Nazi leaders began to plan for the future, among them the Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, Hitler's secretary and virtual shadow, and financial administrator of the Party's, as well as of Hitler's own personal and considerable, fortune.
While much of this story is known to the general public in broad outline, few appreciate the degree of organization, planning, and success it had, and, unfortunately, may be continuing to have.
While much of this story is known to the general public in broad outline, few appreciate the degree of organization, planning, and success it had, and, unfortunately, may be continuing to have.
Even fewer appreciate its significance, for what began in the secret societies of post-World War One Germany as the most explosive political movement in modern history would end by once again going underground, and operating behind a variety of false fronts that included corporations, black projects, secret societies, and criminal and paramilitary syndicates. It would thus exercise a considerable, though hidden, moral and cultural influence on the world that emerged after World War Two.
That Germany lost the Second World War is not in doubt. That Germans suffered as a result is obvious. Some suffered more than others. The rich suffered least. Few were surprised. That is the way of suffering, war or peace. The Poles, the French, the Belgians, the Dutch, the Serbs, et. al., and especially the Russians certainly suffered while they were losing. Then the tide turned. This is the way of war. Tides turn. Winning now is no guarantee against losing later. Somebody always loses eventually. Civilians start losing on day one. The Wehrmacht lost the war. The Luftwaffe lost the war. The civilians lost the war. The Nazis, however, did not lose the war. The Nazis got away. It is true that a tiny minority of individual Nazis lost the war. Göbbels, Göring, Kaltenbrunner, and the man claiming to be Hess lost the war. Perhaps it is even true that Hitler and Himmler lost the war as well, though forensic evidence to the effect is notably scant. The Nazi Party and the S.S., as organizations, got away intact. They got away with the money, the Reichsbank treasury, $15,000,000,000 in 1945 money. This included the tooth gold. Guinness calls it the world's largest unsolved robbery. Then there was all the stolen art, pieces of which, to this day, occasionally surface. The Nazis did very well in the war, from a business viewpoint. War is a business. It is fought for material gain. The Nazis gained materially, and lived to spend it thus, they won the war. They did not win as much as they wanted to win, but who does? They did win a great deal. What they lost was territory. What they gained was treasure, new friends, and experience. |
HOW WORLD WAR II REALLY ENDED Forget everything you have been told about how World War II ended. Very little of the official version is true, but unfortunately it is the only account that has appeared in the history books. The massive crisis that we are in today is a direct result of a covert plot that brought that war to a conclusion. Hitler's influence is everywhere in America Nazi Know-How and the CIA By John Stanton Hitler's ghost occupies the hallowed ground of the US Central Intelligence Agency. General Reinhard Gehlen was Hitler's top Soviet spy during WWII and was recruited by Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA. According to Martin Lee, writing in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, Gehlen returned to West Germany in the summer of 1946 with a mandate to rebuild his espionage organization and resume spying on the East at the behest of American intelligence. That date is significant as it preceded the onset of the Cold War, which, according to standard U.S. historical accounts, did not begin until a year later, according to Lee. The early courtship of Gehlen by American intelligence suggests that Washington was in a Cold War mode sooner than most people realize. The Gehlen gambit also belies the prevalent Western notion that aggressive Soviet policies were primarily to blame for triggering the Cold War. Based near Munich, Gehlen proceeded to enlist thousands of Gestapo, Wehrmacht, and SS veterans. Even the vilest of the vile --the senior bureaucrats who ran the central administrative apparatus of the Holocaust, were welcome in the "Gehlen Org," as it was called, including Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann's chief deputy. SS major Emil Augsburg and Gestapo captain Klaus Barbie, otherwise known as the "Butcher of Lyon," were among those who did double duty for Gehlen and U.S. intelligence, indicated Lee. Sympathy for Ford's Devil Hitler's ghost is present in the assembly lines of America's automotive manufacturers. It's amusing listening to the Ford advertising campaign that features the Rolling Stones song, Start Me Up. More appropriate, it seems, would be the Stone's classic recording of Sympathy for the Devil. From 1939 to 1942, Ford Motor Company produced thousands of combat vehicles for the Nazi's at its Cologne, Germany production facility reaping enormous profits that would ultimately be used to design the next-generation of Fords driven by Americans in the 1950's. During the height of WWII, Ford shipped raw materials from America to the Cologne plant to ensure that production would not be interrupted by Allied bombing and that Hitler would remain a happy customer. According to Ken Silverstein, Ford vehicles were crucial to the revolutionary Nazi military strategy of Blitzkrieg. Of the 350,000 trucks used by the motorized German Army as of 1942, roughly one-third were Ford products. Imagine the surprise of American troops when they saw the enemy -- the Wehrmacht driving around in Ford vehicles. "They were understandably an unpleasant sight to men in the US Army," reported Silverstein. IBM received lucrative contracts from the Nazi's to build databases that would be used to determine population demographics and track down Jews, Christians and other threats to the Nazi Party. Profits from those efforts, like Ford's, were sent home to America to perform research and development for new profit-making technologies. It's the same story for General Motors, Kodak, Dupont, and General Electric (owner of NBC news). Who Won WWII? With the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger in California (his father was a member of the Nazi Party opting to be a member of the storm-trooping "Brown Shirts" who eagerly pursued and persecuted Jews, Christians and Gypsies) and Nazi-tainted George Bush II [recently] in the White House, the American Nazi Party, the Aryan Nations and other despicable hate groups have received an unintended acknowledgement that their hateful struggle on behalf of the "white race" has merit. And why shouldn't they when their government officials and so-called leaders tacitly sanction ethnic cleansing, demean Islam and Arabs or strive to eliminate the civil rights gains of minorities and same-sex groups. It's no surprise to find Hitler's ghost in the offices of Senator Trent Lott who said of white supremacist Senator Strom Thurmond_an opponent of integration and civil rights in the 1960's -- "When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years." Hitler's ghost visits the House side in the offices of Representative Tom Delay, an avowed Christian Zionist, who advocates the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by Israel and is a proponent of the Security Fence, while at the same time admonishing those who will listen to him to "stand unashamedly for Jesus Christ". And in the Pentagon, Hitler's ideology, had a friend in the form of US Marine Corps Lieutenant General William Boykin who believes that "God supports the US military because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian...Our spiritual enemy will only be defeated if we come against them in the name of Jesus." That's what the Aryan Nation says too. They proclaim that they have God's support. Like all God-fearing Nazi's, they hope "To ordain, establish, and pledge our fidelity to our Aryan Racial Nation, under the Law of God, the uniting of our individual strength as a united lawful power, for the preservation and total independence from all alien influence and control over our Faith, Children, and Destiny. " "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator," said Adolf Hitler. "God told me to strike at Al Qa'ida and I struck them. And then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did. With the might of God on our side we will triumph," said George Bush. Or was that Hitler talking to Bush? Hitler's ghost haunts the United States of America. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Stanton is a Virginia based writer specializing in national security and political matters. He is the author, along with Wayne Madsen, of America's Nightmare: The Presidency of George Bush II |
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