
New Magnetic-Electric Device Can Power Home From Near Free Energy Source

New Magnetic-Electric Device Can Power Home From Near Free Energy Source


Two Cairns inventors (have) unveiled a world first commercial machine which can power a house from a permanent, clean, green and virtually free energy source.
The machine, developed by Brinsmead mechanical engineer John Christie and Edge Hill electrician Lou Brits, has an international patent pending and is expected to go on the market for $4000-$5000.
Relying on the attraction and repulsion of internal magnets, the Lutec 1000 operates continually on a pulse-like current 24 hours a day - producing 24 kilowatts of power - once it is kickstarted from a battery source.
The device is more than 500 per cent efficient, compared to a car which is less than 40 per cent efficient and loses power through heat and friction.
No powerlines would be needed to distribute energy from the individual power sources.
There is no heat, harmful emissions or airborne matter in the transmission.
If it were not for the magnets, which have a life of 1300 years, and the battery pack, which has a life of about five years, the machine would be in perpetual motion.
A demonstration of the motor from the carpeted study of Mr Christie's Brinsmead home revealed the device in all its glory - bigger than the average cyclone back-up generator but much less noisy.
M Christie and Mr Brits have been tinkering together on the motor in their spare time since they met in a Sheridan St cafe five years ago and began sharing ideas.
One and a half years ago, the design was perfected and the pair lodged a patent with Brisbane patent attorneys Griffith Hack.
Mr Christie said the next step was to develop a small-scale pilot plant in Cairns to begin distributing the motors to the places they were needed most - such as shops and homes in the power-starved Daintree region and the Torres Strait.
He said the price tag for the devices could vary in remote locations depending on government rebates, freight and installation costs.
The beauty of the device was that it was transportable and could be packed in a removalist van along with other earthly possessions when moving house, he said
  The only problem the pair now face is in raising $500,000 to start their production plant.
"We're trying to keep it local, and trying to keep it in Australia, but it's hard because, offshore, they are more aggressive in taking up new initiatives," Mr Christie said.
Already, the invention has received interest from the United States, China, Japan and Indonesia.
"But we want to set up here and put the product on the market first, and then we'll take it to the world," he said.
Mr Christie said it had been hard to keep a lid on the invention which had such a huge potential in the quest for clean, green, energy production.
He said he and Mr Brit also feared the worst once they realised the significance of their invention.
"We were afraid the kids would be kidnapped or we'd be shot, I'm not kidding," he said.
"You hear horror stories about people running up against fuel companies, but it's all hogwash - people in the main are desperately looking for technologies that will help our environment."
The pair have begun discussions with Ergon as there is also the opportunity of selling energy back to the grid.
Mr Christie said the average home with a pool needed only 14kW of energy per day - which meant a 10 kW daily excess would be left over during the generation process
Griffith Hack partner Cliff Carew, who was speaking from Brisbane, confirmed the device was genuine and unique.
"An international application has been lodged, they've conducted an international search and haven't come up with anything similar, so it would seem to be a new concept," Mr Carew said.
He said it would be another two and a half years before the patent was recognised in 140 countries around the world - the usual length of time for an international patent to be processed.

(Note - 'Ergon' refers to the local electricity supplier utility which used to be known as the FNQEB Far North Queensland Electricity Board).

By Penny Robins

From The Cairns Post - Northern Queensland, OZ 3-8-1 via http://www.rense.com/general9/unveil.htm


How the LUTEC Engine Works

In order to gain an understanding of the operation of a LEA (Lutec Electricity Amplifier) it must be understood that there are actually three separate and completely individual events occurring in the one machine. Each of the three is equally important because without one of them operating in a completely synchronistical manner with the others, the end result would not achieve the efficiency levels required. 

Each of the three events should first be viewed in isolation and then when they are drawn together as they are in the LEA, an understanding of the operating principles will become clear.

The First Event is a Pulsed DC Motor.
The Second Event is an AC generator.
The Third Event is the result of the impact of the Second on the First.


A DC input current either from a battery bank or from rectified AC mains is supplied to a DC motor comprised in this case of four fixed position stator coils, and a rotor with four equally spaced imbedded rare earth permanent magnets of a particular strength.

The input is pulsed by a rotating switch (commutated) allowing the DC input current to flow through the motor coils for a percentage of one cycle as dictated by the actual ON period of the commutator contacts. In most cases this is around 0.2 of a cycle. The electron flow in this DC circuit is negative to positive and so the negative lead is permanently connected to the coil/s.

The DC pulse causes a magnetic effect in the coil core so that the temporary polarisation of the coils laminated steel core has the effect of repulsing the magnetically aligned permanent magnet embedded in the rotor so causing it to rotate. 

The DC pulse is completely consumed by this action which is the cause of the rotor spinning. 

So the single result of the consumed DC input pulse is that it initiates the motor moment.


The same coils used for the motor section in the first Event are used to generate the Second Event that being an AC power output. The rotor containing the permanent magnets is caused to be driven past the stator coils by the motor, at which time induction occurs in the coils producing an alternating current (AC) output.
The only force being used to cause the movement of the rotor is the motor torque. The AC generated in the coils is done so independent of the input DC pulse and is strictly the result of the induction effect.

Evidence of the Second Event being able to operate independently and still provide the same AC output result is proven by causing it to produce the same output without the LEA motor section connected.

This is done by disconnecting the DC input wires and using an outside power source such as an electric motor connected to the axle of the generator and spinning it up to 750 revolutions per minute speed. This will cause a 50 Hz AC output result, a result that is identical to that with the LEA motor connected.

This proves that the AC output is produced purely by and controlled by the speed of rotation of the motor having an induction effect on the coils, nothing else, and especially no part of the DC input power component can be attributed as adding to the generated AC output.

THE THIRD EVENT: The Effect of Event Two on Event One.

Events One and Two happen independently of each other in the same machine. The only similarity shared in the Events is that they share the same coil to enable each to perform their independent functions.

The pulsed DC input to the coil has no effect on the AC being produced because there is no return path for it through the AC load of the coil. The AC is being generated continuously, and has no direct electrical contribution to the input because it too has no return path to enable it to do so. 

The DC input runs the motor supplying current through its own defined circuit for around 0.2 of a cycle. (The ON period)
The DC input circuit has nothing to do with the AC output circuit; remember all the DC input is exhausted in the First Event so there is absolutely no DC input power left to do anything else.

The DC current is driven into the motor coils as long as there is a potential difference in voltage between the DC voltage and the AC voltage. This potential voltage is what carries the input current. When this potential voltage difference falls to zero the ON period of the electrical cycle is ended, and then no input current can flow.

The input voltage that carries current (amps) into the motor coils is a resultant voltage. This can be seen on oscilloscope traces as a variable voltage.  It can also be called a differential voltage because the current is able to flow for a brief period before the lesser voltage becomes equal, and so prevents the flow from continuing.


The LEA has been designed to maximise and exploit Events One Two and Three in a synchronous manner so as to produce a highly efficient means of generating electricity. It could be described as a tri-brid system. 

This harmonious triumvirate result has been accomplished by identifying and controlling the precise timing of input and output voltages; so to allow the separate Events to operate within the same space, using minimal shared components while retaining their original individual effects. 

The patent over this technology already granted in many countries including the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Eurasia, Africa, Poland, China, South Africa, Vietnam, Brazil, Singapore, Turkey, Israel and pending in many others is titled;

“A Means of Controlling A Rotary Device” 

The reader may now understand why it has been called so.
There are many uses for the technology; it can provide electricity in a manner more highly efficient, environmentally clean and cost effective than any other currently known.

Other applications for this technology could be water desalination, hydrogen production, highly efficient motors for plant, pumps, and machinery, or as a more efficient and cost effective drive for anything that turns spins or rotates.

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From the New Illuminati – http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

Extra Images - http://www.free-energy.ws/images/lutec2.jpg
