By Tom Kando
They recently held a “How to take back America”Conference. Mike Huckabee, Phyllis Shlafly and many Republican congressmen were in attendance, along with many Tea Party folks, and 84-year old Kitty Werthmann, who had immigrated from Austria long ago. She lectured the gullible little Midwestern ladies in tennis shoes, that the Obama administration reminded her of the rise of Hitler in her native Austria and Germany!
Indeed, one of the conference’s keynote themes was that the Obama administration was causing America to be taken over by “Fascism and the Gay Agenda.” And then, they proceeded to use “Fascism” and “Marxism” interchangeably, as if the two were synonymous.
This is incoherent! These folks have things upside down, or what? They either know nothing about history and politics, or they feel that the American public is so ignorant that this stuff will fly.
They themselves have much more in common with classical European Fascism than anyone since Father Coughlin in the 1930s and Joe McCarthy in the 1950s.
Any freshman in Poli Sci 101 knows that:
1. Fascism is radicalism from the right.
2. Fascism is an expression of middle-class discontent.
3. Marxism and other forms of socialism are radical movements from the left.
4. They are expressions of lower-class and working-class discontent.
5. Hitler was brought to power by Fascism.
6. The Russian Revolution was Marxist.
7. Fascism and Marxism are mortal enemies.
8. Fascism is nationalist: The Nazis were vehemently opposed to internationalism. They quit the League of Nations.
9. Marxism and Socialism are internationalist.
10. Fascists believed that God was on their side.
11. Marxism is atheist.
12. Fascism is militaristic.
13. Fascism is racist.
14. Fascism is homophobic. Before his onslaught on Jews, Hitler exterminated the gays.
15. Fascism is for traditional family values (Only three roles for women: Kinder, Kuche und Kirche).
16. Fascism is cosy with the conglomerates. Remember Krupp, Siemens, IG Farben and all the other corporations that supported the Nazis?
I personally loathe Soviet Marxism, and I see much value in the traditional family format. But my God, stop confusing everything! You may accuse Obama of being a social democrat, but a fascist? This reminds me of when Joe McCarthy called Eisenhower a communist. This is not only lunacy, but it’s the pot calling the kettle black, to wit:
If fascism comes to America, it’ll be precisely these folks who bring it on: Look at the list above: They are on the right; they are overwhelmingly white middle-class; they are nationalists; they are deeply religious; they support military intervention; they hate the country’s first black President; they are anti-gay; they are pro-life and pro traditional family values; they support the corporations. The Tea Party and the “Take-America-Back” folks are a replica of the angry white middle-class which brought Hitler to power in Austria and Germany. leave comment here
They recently held a “How to take back America”Conference. Mike Huckabee, Phyllis Shlafly and many Republican congressmen were in attendance, along with many Tea Party folks, and 84-year old Kitty Werthmann, who had immigrated from Austria long ago. She lectured the gullible little Midwestern ladies in tennis shoes, that the Obama administration reminded her of the rise of Hitler in her native Austria and Germany!
Indeed, one of the conference’s keynote themes was that the Obama administration was causing America to be taken over by “Fascism and the Gay Agenda.” And then, they proceeded to use “Fascism” and “Marxism” interchangeably, as if the two were synonymous.
This is incoherent! These folks have things upside down, or what? They either know nothing about history and politics, or they feel that the American public is so ignorant that this stuff will fly.
They themselves have much more in common with classical European Fascism than anyone since Father Coughlin in the 1930s and Joe McCarthy in the 1950s.
Any freshman in Poli Sci 101 knows that:
2. Fascism is an expression of middle-class discontent.
3. Marxism and other forms of socialism are radical movements from the left.
4. They are expressions of lower-class and working-class discontent.
5. Hitler was brought to power by Fascism.
6. The Russian Revolution was Marxist.
7. Fascism and Marxism are mortal enemies.
8. Fascism is nationalist: The Nazis were vehemently opposed to internationalism. They quit the League of Nations.
9. Marxism and Socialism are internationalist.
11. Marxism is atheist.
12. Fascism is militaristic.
13. Fascism is racist.
14. Fascism is homophobic. Before his onslaught on Jews, Hitler exterminated the gays.
15. Fascism is for traditional family values (Only three roles for women: Kinder, Kuche und Kirche).
16. Fascism is cosy with the conglomerates. Remember Krupp, Siemens, IG Farben and all the other corporations that supported the Nazis?
I personally loathe Soviet Marxism, and I see much value in the traditional family format. But my God, stop confusing everything! You may accuse Obama of being a social democrat, but a fascist? This reminds me of when Joe McCarthy called Eisenhower a communist. This is not only lunacy, but it’s the pot calling the kettle black, to wit:
If fascism comes to America, it’ll be precisely these folks who bring it on: Look at the list above: They are on the right; they are overwhelmingly white middle-class; they are nationalists; they are deeply religious; they support military intervention; they hate the country’s first black President; they are anti-gay; they are pro-life and pro traditional family values; they support the corporations. The Tea Party and the “Take-America-Back” folks are a replica of the angry white middle-class which brought Hitler to power in Austria and Germany. leave comment here