


Debriefing 11-11

I will be releasing some of the information that I received yesterday, but I wrote it by hand and it needs to be put into the computer. Of course, like all Truth, it is not a surprise. Truth is that which have always known, but the challenges of daily life have made us forget. I did not think that I would ascend, for I have always felt that ascension is a gradual process that slowly builds momentum. There may be some pivotal moment at 12-21-12, but creating a “date” for ascension is time-bound, third dimensional thinking. It is our third dimensional thinking that binds us to the 3D Matrix. That last sentence is the short version of what I received from the Arcturians yesterday.

In the middle of the night before 11-11 I had a short vision in which a “Doorway” opened at my Third Eye, and I could look through it to see another reality. Later, when I was meditating, I was able to open that inner Doorway again. However, I could not go through it until I totally cleared all fear-based thinking. There were two issues that appeared in my consciousness, which I had to bless with unconditional love and release. Once I had done that, I was able to move through that doorway into New Earth. Moving through this Doorway was an inner experience, like all my meditations. I felt my physical body siting in my chair and was aware of my 3D room around me throughout my entire visit to New Earth. I will speak more about that later, but I must leave for work now. However, since I will be gone all day, I wanted to leave a brief message first.

This morning if knew more than ever that WE are Earth and New Earth is a threshold reality, a half-way house, in which we are free of the darkness of 3D Earth so that we can better remember our true, Multidimensional SELF. As we reconnect with our true SELF, we realize that ascension is not a “leaving,” for leaving is based on the concepts of time and space. It is these time-bound concepts that are being transmuted in our mind as we come to the “end of time.” End of time is not a leaving or a staying. End of time means being everywhere always. Our fifth dimensional Lightbody does not cease to exist when we enter a lower dimensional reality, as we have done in this lifetime.

Our Lightbody is experiencing myriad realities, while it/we simultaneously experience our physical reality. As our Lightbody grows within our earth vessel, and as it is activated by the higher frequencies of light that are really “kicking in” from 11-11-11 on, we will be able to experience more than one reality within the same NOW.  I think that New Earth is where it is safe enough for us to remember our innate experiences. We had to shut those experiences down in this 3D reality for it was not safe to reveal ourselves. We can look around the world now and see how New Earth is growing stronger and stronger. And the old reality of intense polarity, service to self and fear is loosing its hold on our consciousness.

We are in the midst of the most marvelous adventure of creating New Earth with our every thought and emotion. There is great joy in that adventure and immense responsibility. There is no free ride to a better place. THIS is the place that we created through myriad lives of fear, greed and anger. This is our milk that we have spilled and WE will clean it up with JOY and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  We are honored to be incarnated on dear Gaia at the moment of immense creativity. We chose to BE HERE NOW and to STAY until we have completed our Mission of Creating New Earth.  

I look forward to hearing others experience of 11-11-11. 
