

Thank you everyone for sharing your 11-11-11 experience in the comments section. Below are a few more comments that were sent to my email.
Thanks again for sharing. Let's share with everyone. In the way we can make ascension NORMAL!

Dear Sue
Iam a 31 years old girl from Croatia. In last 20 days i was reading yuors and Georges web, because from last year i started to feel energy flow through my forhead, legs . hands. A lot of different strange things also happened.
Ok…last night was the most intensive feeling. A warm sphere in first chakra, something like electricity around my hart, deeply entering of energy through vertex and a strong, strong feeling on my third eye. This energie is with me every day. I am very grateful. Now i am study your web about chakras. But ewerything is so familiar..hahahaa….Yes , i have some questions..but i know that i will get it..hahaha
Dear Sue i wish you all the best. You are doing great job. Thanks (sorry of my english)


Dear Suzan

I absolutely love your website and you blogs have moved me to tears of joy on many occassions, thank you very much.

On 11.11.11 to be honest about it nothing really happened at all.  I can see colors and shapes with my third eye and I do see violet but no visions in fact I don't remember my dreams at all any more.  I did read George Stankov's work and there has not been a posting since but I am guessing that the experiences were much the same.

I am typical of what seems to be known as a lightworker in that I have had an unhappy and isolated childhood and been different if you know what I mean.  I did try to fit in from time to time but without success - it is funny now I am glad that I don't fit in.  I also think that I have not spent every incarnation on this planet as I find how people act and react strange although I am far from perfect and in my younger days I did things that I am not proud of that said they hurt me and I did not set out to hurt anyone else.  I thought that in terms of my journey it was to experience being fully human if that makes sense.

I don't channel but I can feel and know at times, for example, I will know if someone is pretending to like me.

I really hoped that there would be some sort of revelation on 11.11.11 as if I have a role or mission I would like to get started as it were.  I shut the doors on my business back in August and have pretty much just dedicated myself to this since.  I did decided that I would have to get a job or do something and will start to look on Monday.

I have done a lot of releasing of old energies and patterns of behaviour and I am not giving up on this journey but I am and feel very isolated as apart from on the internet I am not in touch with other who feel the same way.

There must be lots of people like me?  I watch what is unfolding in the world with the elite and to be honest they seem to be pressing ahead to me.  My partner thinks I am pretty crazy and this awakening has caused a bit of a rift.  I certainly feel that we are surpessed from our source by the elite and if that was lifted we would be able to acomplish anything. 

Can the Arcturians give a clear message about things for those of us like me?

Thank you Sue


Dear Suzanne,

Thank you for taking the time to post a new note on your blog this morning. It was appreciated,
especially considering you had little time before leaving for work.
I think most of us who were anticipating the 11/11/11 energies (portals, transmutations...) felt
a degree of, well... almost despair, when the Earth experience we have known did not tangibly
shift in a way that was unmistakable.

Still on track, still evolving, unfolding, Being and remembering my fuller self
Thank you again


Dear Suzanne,

Thank you for taking the time to post a new note on your blog this morning. It was appreciated,
especially considering you had little time before leaving for work.
I think most of us who were anticipating the 11/11/11 energies (portals, transmutations...) felt
a degree of, well... almost despair, when the Earth experience we have known did not tangibly
shift in a way that was unmistakable.

Still on track, still evolving, unfolding, Being and remembering my fuller self
Thank you again
