
Questions and Answers


I was asked:
Will the energy always be as strong as they were on 11/11, and will they be available to us every day???? 

My response, which came through far too quickly to be from my 3D Self was:

It all depends on our state of consciousness. If we want to see the world from the window at the top of the stairs we have to climb the stairs. 

In the same manner, if we want to experience the higher frequencies of reality, we have to do all we have learned that we need to do to expand our consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond. 

These energies were always there, but the planetary frequency was so low, that we usually could not perceive them. Now that the resonance of Gaia is higher, it is easier for us to hold a higher resonance of consciousness and more easily perceive the energy fields of the higher dimensional worlds. However, if our consciousness lowers, which it absolutely will when we are tired, hungry, upset, in traffic, paying a bill we can afford etc. etc. etc. etc.   

We then have to take a moment and unconditionally love, forgive and accept our SELF. We are NOW living in two realities. One reality (3D life) is outside of us and the other reality (fifth dimensional New Earth) is inside of us. WE are the doorway to New Earth. WE hold the key to that doorway, which is our Multidimensional Consciousness. No one outside of us can guide us through this door, but once we are through it, we can guide others to open it for themselves. 

Earth is still a free will planet. We can use our free will to choose the reality we want to experience by minute-to-minute calibration of our consciousness to the reality which we wish to live. At the same time, there are many minutes that we are still embroiled in 3D Drama. This is when we reach OUT to our friends, loved ones and teacher for assistance. 

However, when we take that first step across the threshold, we must be willing to leave our earthly attachments behind. We can, also, choose to stay with Gaia and experience Her step across that threshold via our Planetary Consciousness. Furthermore, there are myriad versions between these two versions of ascension. WE are ALL creating our own ascension with our EVERY thought, emotion, action and deed. No pressure there???  

I do not think we are getting a free ride. I received a huge message from the Arcturians on 11-11, but it is in handwriting, and my consciousness is on "chill mode." One of the most important things that i think we will be learning is that we have to accept that we ARE were we ARE. 

In other words, 
we have to love ourselves unconditionally
forgive ourselves unconditionally, 
and accept ourselves unconditionally

In other words, we need to give to ourselves that which we have so deeply wanted from others. WE are the Core of our life. WE are the Creators of our own reality. That is what is means to be fifth dimensional. That is what is means to ascend.

At the end of the Path, we find that we have just begun!
