Hi Sue, this is exciting news. I just received my first arcturian/or possibly pleidian message last night i wanted to share because some of this related to some of the material i read on your ebooks. it's very short, but very clear:)
"Everything in the universe is governed by mathematics, numerology and sacred geometry" As this was being said I was shown sacred geometry in my third eye, it was so beautiful, almost looked like a computerized digital presentation but really it is beyond words in 3D .. awesome
they went on to say:
"The left brain hemisphere and the right brain hemisphere are separate within themselves. You will never be able to figure out right brain experiences using left brain knowledge. Trust the process, do not question that which is NOT governed by 3D. Trust what you see and experience in your right brain for this is the true reality." The Theta state of brain waves takes you into 5D, and that is why you have so much freedom with your light body in this relaxed state. We are better able to communicate with you when you are in this state. In 5D you manifest instantly."
They went further to explain an incident that happened earlier in the night. I was lying there almost asleep and thought of my husband and grabbed his hand on his side of the bed. I felt his hand in my hand. Then I awoke to find that my husband wasn't even in the bed by me, he was still downstairs watching t.v. They explained that I thought about my husband's hand in 5D which instantly manifested that experience. However, when I woke up in 3D he was still downstairs. It happened in 5D.. a different dimension."
Also I have another question. When I feel arcturians or pleidians energy, i feel a tingling in the soul of my foot. It is pretty strong, and feels like vibrational whirling energy in my feet. I asked them what this was all about and I was told that "packets" of cosmic light energy is being downloaded into the foot chakras and that I am to ground that cosmic energy into the earth. Have you had experiences with foot chakras swirling with vibrations??
This is exciting news!!! I think the main point of this transmission is that I'm always trying to figure out my spiritual experiences, and they are saying just to trust in them, and not question them so much with my left brain, which i always try to do:) i always want to know the unknowable, and they are saying to just relax and trust my spiritual experiences!!! this is also interesting as i literally nothing about sacred geometry or numerology other than gateway numbers 11/11, etc... so when you get information that is not within your realm of knowledge or something that you would normally say, you can know this was a true channeling. my left brain wants to question this because i didn't hear words, the transmission was telepathic!!! very cool!!! just wanted to share!!! Would love some feedback on this from you or the arcturian group to see if i interpreted this information correctly!!!
Peace! Jill
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.
--William Shakespeare
"Everything in the universe is governed by mathematics, numerology and sacred geometry" As this was being said I was shown sacred geometry in my third eye, it was so beautiful, almost looked like a computerized digital presentation but really it is beyond words in 3D .. awesome
they went on to say:
They went further to explain an incident that happened earlier in the night. I was lying there almost asleep and thought of my husband and grabbed his hand on his side of the bed. I felt his hand in my hand. Then I awoke to find that my husband wasn't even in the bed by me, he was still downstairs watching t.v. They explained that I thought about my husband's hand in 5D which instantly manifested that experience. However, when I woke up in 3D he was still downstairs. It happened in 5D.. a different dimension."
Also I have another question. When I feel arcturians or pleidians energy, i feel a tingling in the soul of my foot. It is pretty strong, and feels like vibrational whirling energy in my feet. I asked them what this was all about and I was told that "packets" of cosmic light energy is being downloaded into the foot chakras and that I am to ground that cosmic energy into the earth. Have you had experiences with foot chakras swirling with vibrations??
This is exciting news!!! I think the main point of this transmission is that I'm always trying to figure out my spiritual experiences, and they are saying just to trust in them, and not question them so much with my left brain, which i always try to do:) i always want to know the unknowable, and they are saying to just relax and trust my spiritual experiences!!! this is also interesting as i literally nothing about sacred geometry or numerology other than gateway numbers 11/11, etc... so when you get information that is not within your realm of knowledge or something that you would normally say, you can know this was a true channeling. my left brain wants to question this because i didn't hear words, the transmission was telepathic!!! very cool!!! just wanted to share!!! Would love some feedback on this from you or the arcturian group to see if i interpreted this information correctly!!!
Peace! Jill
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves.
--William Shakespeare