
TGIF: The Berkeley Hills in June

While in the UK, I had a chance to hike through the British countryside, and though the sheer green-ness of it all was stunning (and charming, replete with fluffy baby sheep and long stone walls), it left my native California heart a little home-sick, craving the rolling gold hills of the aptly-nicknamed Golden State.

So the first chance I got this week, I escaped to the Berkeley Hills to see some of the proper California "countryside" that I grew up with. And it was really the Bay Area in all its glory--the golden grass, the tall, refreshingly-scented eucalyptus trees that creak in the wind, the wild blackberries glistening alluringly behind poison oak, ...and of course, the beautiful fog of Bay Area summers that tumbles in each evening, fast and furious from the ocean. Oh, California, I really do love you so.
