
Fun Jobs in Greece for Free Room and Board – All Summer Long and Beyond

Would you be willing to care for horses on a farm in Corfu, help someone build a storehouse on Chania, serve as a maid for a small hotel on Naxos, or pick and clean acorns that fall from trees on the island of Kea–all in exchange for room and board?

Do you fancy donating your services for a few months, or do you prefer a year? Welcome to the world of “Help Exchange,” or “HelpX,” an online listing of opportunities that may be a match for you.

“HelpX” is “a cultural exchange for working holiday makers.” Its website lists farms and lodges willing to hosts volunteers for a few months or a year in return for room and board. Some of these opportunities require basic “handyman” skills, but others able to pick and process olives or acorns are welcomed. Hosts look for individuals with a sense of adventure who will enjoy learning new skills and living among the locals. Below are just a few current listings:

SKYROS. We are a small business specializing in the breeding of the very rare and probably the oldest breed of horse in the world, the small sized Skyrian horse. We also grow Skyrian onions and “fava” (split pea), a traditional Greek legume cultivated on the island for 4000 years which we try to protect. We need help with an organic vegetable garden, the horses, and also with some jobs in the fields all year round.

CORFU. We are trying to bring our farm back to life. There is some manual labor to be done, and also help with our vegetable garden and harvesting olives.

PAROS. Life is a beach!! If you can help us from April to October with our garden, the beach bar, and some general cleaning, we can offer you a room in our main building. You will have time for the beach.

NAXOS. I need people, mostly young women, for the summer of 2014 at my lodge, to help with room preparation and cleaning, serving breakfast, and working at the bar.

RETHYMNON, CRETE. We are an experimental learning center hosting summer excursions for children ages five to 12. Under the supervision of teachers, the children do handicrafts, music, theater, constructions, sports, team building games, and nature activities. We need young people to help supervise the children because the classes are large.

If the work exchange program interests you, please visit HelpX at http://www.helpx.net/search_now_paging.asp?host_region=329&network=3 and register.


Published in The National Herald, April 2014