
7 Places to See Autumn Leaves in Kyushu, Japan

Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year in Japan. Viewing of Autumn leaves is as popular as viewing of Cherry Blossoms in Spring. During the peak, the leaves turn red and yellow making Japan even more beautiful. The best way to enjoy the autumn color and fallen leaves is to walk around the park or visit a temple.

These are 7 picturesque places for the view of colorful autumn foliage in Kyushu.

1. Nanzō-in Temple . 南蔵院

<< Nanzō-in Temple . 南蔵院 >>
Address: 〒811-2405 福岡県糟屋郡 篠栗町篠栗1305
Getting There: Kidonanzoin-Mae Station >> walk
Year visited: 2014

2. Dazaifu Tenman-gū . 大宰府天満宮

<< Dazaifu Tenman-gū . 大宰府天満宮 >>
Address: 〒818-0117 Fukuoka Prefecture, Dazaifu 宰府 4丁目 7-1
Getting There: Dazaifu Train Station >> walk
Year visited: 2014

3. Kōmyōzen-ji Temple . 光明善寺

<< Kōmyōzen-ji Temple . 光明善寺 >>
Address: 2 Chome-16-1 Saifu Dazaifu, Fukuoka Prefecture Japan
Getting There: Dazaifu Train Station >> walk
Year visited: 2014

4. Takachiho Gorge . 高千穂峡

<< Takachiho Gorge . 高千穂峡 >>
Address: 〒882-1101 宮崎県西臼杵郡高千穂町三田井御塩井
Getting There: Rental Car
Year visited: 2014

5. Amanoiwato Jinja . 天岩戸神社

<< Amanoiwato Jinja . 天岩戸神社 >>
Address: 〒882-1621 宮崎県西臼杵郡 高千穂町岩戸 1073-1
Getting There: Rental Car
Year visited: 2014

6. The Shinto Shrine near Harajiri Fall . 二宮八幡社

<< The Shinto Shrine near Harajiri Fall . 二宮八幡社 >>
Address: 5mins walk from 〒879-6631 大分県豊後大野市緒方町原尻
Getting There: Rental Car
Year visited: 2014

7. Fukiji Temple . 富貴寺

<< Fukiji Temple . 富貴寺 >>
Address: 2395 Tashibufuki Bungotakada, Oita Prefecture 879-0841 Japan
Getting There: Rental Car
Year visited: 2014

If you plan to visit Kyushu for the autumn color, probably the best time is between late October and late November. The weather is perfect to set off on foot. There are many waterfalls, valleys and temples around the mountainous terrain of Kyushu; do take the advantage of the mild temperature to hike into the breathtaking atmosphere of nature. 

Enjoy Koyo!

Aki () = Autumn
Koyo (紅葉) = Colorful Leaves
Jūgatsu (十月) = October
Jūichigatsu (十一月) = November 

Related Post:
- Autumn Experience in Taishaku Valley
- Komyozenji Temple: The Beauty of Japanese Autumn

Written by: Q.J.
Photography By: Q.J.
