
Explore Ko Lanta, Thailand

Ko Lanta is a beautiful uncrowded island set in the Andaman Sea. This large island with white sandy beaches is just a couple hours of travel from Krabi. As compared to the neighbouring destinations like Phuket and Krabi, Ko Lanta is considered a little less well-known but it is becoming more and more popular in the recent years.

Other than the beautiful long beaches, Ko Lanta is also known for its nature reserves and cultural diversity where the Thai-Chinese, Thai-Muslim and Chao Ley (Sea Gypsies) have lived together in harmony for centuries.

If you are new to Ko Lanta and unsure what you can do in this beautiful island; Here are some of the activities that you can look forward to:

1. Explore the Tung Yee Peng Mangrove Forest
The Tung Yee Peng is located on the eastern coast. You can explore the mangrove forest by kayaking or long tail boat tour.


Tung Yee Peng Mangrove Forest
Year visited: 2016 (February)


2. Stroll around the Lanta Old Town
Lanta old town is a quaint and calm village where you can find most of the Chinese merchant houses along the main walking street.


Lanta Old Town
Year visited: 2016 (February)


3. Take a look at the Sea Gypsy Village
The Sea Gypsy village is also known as the village of Sang-ga-u is the home to an unique community known as Chao Ley (people of the sea) or Sea Gypsies. For centuries, this group of people settled in their stilt-built houses along the southeast coast of Ko Lanta.


Sang-ga U Village
Year visited: 2016 (February)


4. Trekking and explore the Caves
Take a break from the beach and do some trekking and explore the caves. The 2 popular caves you can explore are Tiger Cave and Khao Mai Khew Cave.

Tiger Cave


Tiger Cave
Year visited: 2016 (February)


5. Make a stop at the View Point
When you are traveling from west coast to east coast or vice versa, you can make a stop at the View Point for some drinks while you are enjoying the view from the hilltop.

View Point


View Point Restaurant
Year visited: 2016 (February)


6. Visit the Ko Lanta National Park
The national park is located on the most southern tip of Ko Lanta and it comes with a twin bays and a ruins of an old lighthouse. You can do a very short hike to the lighthouse where you will get an amazing panoramic view of the national park.


Ko Lanta National Park
Year visited: 2016 (February)


7. Island Hopping
There are quite a number of islands that you can hop easily from Ko Lanta. The islands are Ko Rok, Ko Ngai, Ko Muk(popular for its stunning Emerald Cave) and Ko Phi Phi("The Beach" filming location)


Koh Ngai
Year visited: 2016 (February)


8. Go on a Snorkeling Trip
Soak yourself in the emerald sea and play with the fishes while you are enjoying the beautiful limestone island around you. Snorkeling Trip can be arranged easily in Ko Lanta.

9. Hit the Beaches
On the west coast of Ko Lanta, there are 9 beaches in total from the north to the south. One beautiful thing about Ko Lanta is the beaches are usually uncrowded.


National Park
Year visited: 2016 (February)
Klong Nin Beach
Year visited: 2016 (February)


10. Plan a Yoga Retreat
Ko Lanta has became one of the best places to practice yoga in Thailand. Most of the yoga studios are located on the beach front facing the sea. Doing yoga with the sea breeze and the sound of the ocean, it definitely calm your mind and energize your body. 

11. Wait for Sunset & Twilight
As long as you are on the west coast of Ko Lanta with a fine weather, you just have to wait and you will be rewarded with some breathtaking moments.

12. Eat the Authentic Thai Cuisine at Cook Kai Restaurant
As the sun goes down, sky turns dark, everyone will find a place to fill up their empty stomach. During our stay in Ko Lanta, we went to this Cook Kai restaurant almost every night for dinner; they serve authentic Thai food at a very reasonable pricing and their staffs are extremely friendly during our visits. 


Cook Kai Restaurant
Year visited: 2016 (February)


13. Stay at the Picturesque Sri Lanta Resort
Sri Lanta is a boutique resort set on the scenic Klong Nin Beach. With their theme "The Resplendence of Life", we had a resplendence stay with them. There are many things that we love about Sri Lanta. Firstly, they have no shortage of cozy corners for you to relax. Secondly, the rustic villas are built on the hillside in the lush tropical bush where you can get so close to the nature. Lastly, the cafe, the bar, the massage place, the yoga deck and the swimming pool are all located right on the beach front where you can overlook the endless view of the Andaman sea.  


Sri Lanta Resort
Website: www.srilanta.com 
Rate & Reservation: Click Here
Year visited: 2016 (February)


If you are a person who love sunbathing and love spending your day in a beautiful and quiet beach, I strongly recommend you to make a trip to Ko Lanta. Same goes to the yogis, it couldn't be any better to practice your yoga in front of the calm breezy beach especially during the dawn and dusk.

Related Post:
- SriLanta Resort - A Resplendence Stay

Written by: Q.J.
Photography by: Q.J. & K.K.
