
Fukuoka Castle Sakura Festival 2016, Japan

Sakura (桜) is charming, irresistible and beautiful but short-lived; it takes one week to reach full bloom after the first opening of the blossoms and it lasts for a week before the blossoms start falling. During spring, visitors from around the world visit Japan for the ephemeral nature of life, Sakura (Cherry Blossoms).

The last time I enjoyed Sakura viewing (Hanami) in Japan was 10 years ago at Ueno Park, Tokyo. And 10 years later, I am glad that I came back to Japan for Hanami again; this time was at Maizuru Park, Fukuoka for the Fukuoka Castle Sakura Festival 2016.


Clouds of Sakura

The Ephemeral Nature of Life

At Fukuoka Castle Ruins, there are about 1000 gorgeous Sakura trees blooming in every spring season. During the Sakura Festival, visitors gather themselves at this historical place to enjoy a Hanami picnic under the Sakura trees

Let's take a look at the Sakura Festival around Maizuru Park and Fukuoka Castle Ruins.

1. Maizuru Park (舞鶴公園)
First we entered the east side of Maizura Park from the North by crossing a small river with a greeting from the rows of Sakura trees. By following the Sakura trees, it led us to a big open space in the park; many people used this greenery space for their Hanami picnics.

the river at the north of Maizuru Park (East)

Sakura trees along the river

walking under the Sakura trees

Sakura flower yet to open

Sakura and the castle wall

Hanami Parties under Sakura trees

Festival stalls selling Japanese Street food

Outdoor seats at the spacious Maizuru Park

Hanami Picnic under the Sakura trees

<< Maizuru Park (舞鶴公園) >>
Location: Click here for Map
Nearest Station:  Akasaka Station 
Year visited: 2016 (April)


2. Fukuoka Castle Ruins (福岡城跡)
Next stop will be Fukuoka Castle Ruins; it is located at the south of Maizuru Park. At the top of the Fukuoka Castle Ruins, there is an iconic Fukuoka Castle Memorial Tower (福岡城祈念櫓) and Sakura Garden (桜園) for people to have their Hanami parties. Also there is an observation platform (天守台) which provide a breathtaking 360-degree view of the city.

the gentle slope that leads to the Fukuoka Castle Ruins

Sakura trees on the castle wall

stairway to the top of Fukuoka Castle Ruins

Sakura with the Memorial Tower (福岡城祈念櫓) at the background

Fukuoka Castle Memorial Tower (福岡城祈念櫓)

Hanami Parties under the Sakura trees

an amazing view from the observation platform (天守台) at the top of the Fukuoka Castle Ruins

another amazing view from the observation platform (天守台) at the top of the Fukuoka Castle Ruins

Clouds of Sakura covering the Maizuru Park

Sakura trees and  the castle wall

walking along the tunnel of Cherry Blossoms

a common practice to reserve a Hanami picnie spot in advance by spreading a picnic mat

Sakura covering the Fukuoka Castle Ruins

 << Fukuoka Castle Ruins (福岡城跡) >>
Location: Click here for Map
Nearest Station:  Ohorikoen Station
 Year visited: 2016 (April)


3. Maizuru Park West (舞鶴公園西広場)
After exploring the Fukuoka Castle Ruins, we made a gentle stroll to the west of Maizuru Park from the south. When we were not sure about which way we should go, we will always choose to follow the Sakura trees. Eventually we were led to a beautiful tunnel of Sakura. It seems like a perfect spot for photo shooting as we saw many couples doing their wedding photo shoot at this romantic passage. We continued to walk north and when we were about to exit the park, the photogenic Fukuoka Castle Shiomi Tower came into our sight.

Festival stalls

Japanese food, Yakitori

an empty seat under the Sakura tree

Tunnel of Sakura

visitors taking photos with the Sakura

passage to the Fukuoka Castle Shiomi Tower  (潮見櫓)

Fukuoka Castle Shiomi Tower (潮見櫓) covered by the clouds of Sakura

<< Maizuru Park West (舞鶴公園西広場) >>
Location: Click here for Map
Nearest Station:  Ohorikoen Station 
Year visited: 2016 (April)


4. Night Illumination
In addition, the Sakura and castle wall were illuminated at night to create a spectacular scene during the Sakura Festival.

Despite having a short life span, Sakura brings a lot of happiness and excitement to the people from Japan and around the world. From my observation, the tradition of Hanami is still going strong in the Japanese culture. Every Sakura season, the Japanese people continue to follow the Sakura forecast closely and always look forward to hear the announcement of the first opening and full bloom of the blossom. The ideal timing to enjoy a Sakura in Fukuoka is from late March to early April.

Written by: Q.J.
Photography by: Q.J.
