Every autumn, there are many millions of cosmos flowers bloom exuberantly at the foot of Mt Hachimen and many visitors will make a trip to the Nakatsu City (中津市) to witness the charming sights of these colorful flowers in the Sanko Cosmos Garden (三光コスモス園). Cosmos Art is also one of the highlights in the Sanko Cosmos Festival; where the color of the cosmos flowers is used to decorate the landscape into designs and characters.
When to Visit
The best times to visit the Sanko Cosmos Garden is from mid October to early November, where you can see the field of cosmos flowers in a variety of colors such as pink, white, orange and yellow.
Cosmos Art |
When to Visit
<< Sanko Cosmos Garden . 三光コスモス園 >>
Location: Click here for Map
Getting There: Free shuttle bus service from JR Nakatsu Station on Sunday during the Sanko Cosmos Festival period. (2016 October 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th)
Written by: Q.J.
Photography by: K.K.