
Merchants of death

by Tom Kando

Today, I just want to resume my political diatribes. Unlike Madeleine's witty and upbeat posts, I am more of a bad-news kind of guy. Sorry. So here is the bad news for today:

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute's figures about world armament sales for 2008 are out: In terms of individual companies, first prize goes to Britain's BAE Systems, which became the world's largest arms maker.

In 2008, it enjoyed military sales of $32.4 billion. The remaining top five spots all belong to American companies, namely Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and General Dynamics. Total arms sales by the world's 100 largest armament companies rose to $385 billion in 2008, i.e. a 10% increase from the previous year (Herald Tribune, April 19). Apparently, the Great Recession has spared the weapons industry.

In terms of national military spending, the US of course remains by far the top spender, followed by China. However, on a per capita basis and as a percentage of GDP, dozens of countries outspend both the US and China. Many of those countries are among the poorest in the world, for example numerous African nations.

In terms of arms exports by countries, the US still ranks first, followed by Russia, Britain, Germany and France.

So here you have it, folks. Business has never been better. Thanks to our countries' lucrative arms exports, you and I can have great lives, travel to Europe and Hawaii and eat out a lot (Note: sarcasm here).

I realize that I sound like a radical simpleton. But don't you agree that this obscenity bears repeating, over and over again? leave comment here