Evergreen Healing Arts Center
57 W. Main Street
Chehalis, WA 98532
Ph. 360-219-8512
Complementary Medical Hypnotism
and Biofield Therapies for Increased
Holistic Health and Wellness
Scalar Energy is a higher-dimensional form of energy that does not radiate like traditional electromagnetic energy does; in addition, Scalar Energy is non-local and can be easily directed by the practitioner’s intention. This makes it ideal for remote healing applications, including planetary healing.
The Trans-Scalar™ Healing technique also includes the powerful Circle of Grace energetic preparation process channeled by Edna Frankel from the Brotherhood of Light for grounding, cleansing and balancing the client’s entire meridian and chakra systems, as well as a beautiful guided journey into the Temple of Healing.
A step-by-step manual to guide the practitioner is available as a free download from www.howardbatie.com, then under Physical Healing click on “Trans-Scalar Healing”. The download link is near the bottom of that page. Comments and feedback from others using this technique are especially appreciated; email them to hbatie@localaccess.com.”