Below is actually part three of a communication I have been having with St. Germain. They will all be out soon on my newsletter, but I wanted to share this part with you. The dream I speak of below was VERY disturbing. I got out of bed and washed my face as I did NOT want to go back to awful dream. I share if now, because St. Germain's reply is for all of us.
Dear St. Germain,
I feel like there is part 3 to our communication. Last night I had a horrible dream. I tried to forget it so that I would not go back into that dream, so I can’t remember it too well. What I can remember is the feeling of being totally trapped. I was with a huge group of people, and we were being hearded around like cattle. There was no chance of escape and we had no personal freedom. When I awoke, it was the middle of the night, and all I could think of that I never wanted to go back to that dream, or to that reality. When I look at it this morning it seems that it was like far, far too many of my earthly incarnations.
I did what you told me the day before (to be posted later when I have put it in the computer) about owning that darkness and giving it unconditional love. I guess it worked because I fell asleep again and did not return to that awful dream (reality). Is there more that you think I can gain from this dream?
Dear Suzille,
As you have stated, this dream was an opportunity for you to personally experience how many, many humans feel at this time in your reality. Therefore, the dream offered you an opportunity to feel deep compassion and to transmute their/your suffering. You took that opportunity, which allowed you to serve as a Master. We, the Ascended Masters, wanted you, as well as all the earth masters who will read this message, to see part of the work that we do every day. In order for us to fully transmute reality into a higher frequency of expression, we must personally experience that reality prior to our transmutation.
It is because of this work that we are able keep our consciousness free of all judgment, for once we experience a given situation, we understand completely how it feels for those trapped in that version of reality. As you know, there are many versions of reality and many versions of life on Earth during this point of the ascension process. These versions are actually different states of consciousness. Do you recall how your state of consciousness was so low in that dream that you could find no solution to your entrapment? Then, when you used the power of your unconditional love, your consciousness expanded into the higher frequencies. It was then that you were no longer trapped by that situation.
In fact, your consciousness rose so far above it that it was no longer a reality for you. There are two things that you learned from this dream. One, is that you actually experienced how ascension will feel when you bless ALL life with unconditional love and transmute yourself into a higher reality. Two, you were actually doing “rescue work” in your night body, as you assisted many of those who were trapped to follow your lead and expand their consciousness beyond the confines of that reality.
Our grounded earth masters will be doing a great deal of this work as we move into the conclusion of the ascension process. For every person that you assist, you assist yourself and you assist Gaia because you are all ONE. Therefore, anything you do for, or to, anyone, you for the everyone. It is the realization of this truth that prepares you for life in the fifth dimension where your every thought and feeling instantly returns to you as a form of manifestation. The dream also reminded you how you have felt trapped in far too many of your physical incarnation and how much you are ready you are to ascend into the fifth dimension.
However, ascension is a two-part situation. First, you transmute your every thought, feeling and deed into multidimensional light and unconditional love. Then, you need to maintain that state of consciousness. Ascension is a hot air balloon. If the frequency of the air (your consciousness) gets too low, it cools down (your consciousness lowers) and the balloon can no longer remain at that altitude (dimension). However, once you are fully in the fifth dimension, even in the threshold world of New Earth, there is no longer the polarity of light/dark and love/fear. Therefore, the fear that lowers your consciousness in your physical world does not exist in that reality.
Fear is a very low frequency, and it cannot take hold even on the threshold of the fifth dimension. Therefore, once you return Home to the fifth dimension and beyond, you will be free forever! We, the Ascended Masters of Earth will embrace you with our unconditional love. In fact, we embrace you NOW, for here there is no time and you are already with us.
You can always call St Germain by using his favorite decree:
Blaze, Blaze, Blaze, the Violet Fire
Transmuting ALL Shadow into
Light, Light, Light