Thank you to everyone who was at the Retreat. We had a great time. Above is the link where you can download everything.
One thing we talked about was our "I Ascend for Gaia" project. We talk about it toward the middle/end of the retreat. What we would like to do is to get as many people as possible to send a short video (off your phone is fine) with you raising your hand and saying:
"I Ascend for Gaia!"
Your name
Area where you live
For example:
“I Ascend for Gaia!”
Suzanne Lie
Redondo Beach, California
If you can’t make a video, a picture would be fine. Just tell you your name and area when you send the picture and we will put that together. Then, Lauren and I will put all those videos and pictures together and create a free Webinar so that we can come together in person.
You can email it to us at:
Thanks for your interest and we await your pictures and videos.
Sue Lie
Lauren Gaily