
Smashed Berry-Lime-Coconut Yogurt Ice Pops

At long last! a new recipe. :) I put these smashed berry, lime, and coconut yogurt ice pops together when I discovered a huge number of berries sitting in my refrigerator that needed to be eaten before I left for BlogHer Food in Seattle. Wasted berries are so sad! Also in my fridge sat an open can of coconut milk from a project that I'll post about in the coming weeks or so, and on my counter, there sat a bag of limes (there seems to always be random bags of citrusfruit scattered all about every room in the house!). Thankfully, these ingredients--mixed with a tub of thick Greek yogurt--go together like one creamy dream.

These ice pops are a wee bit tart from the combination of tangy yogurt, berries, and lime juice (mellowed a bit by the coconut milk), and they are not very sweet at all, which makes them perfect for sneaking out of the freezer for breakfast on a hot summer morning. To be fair, yogurt+berries are a socially accepted form of breakfast, and I actually think this frozen version would taste really good dipped in a crunch of cornflakes! I won't tell anyone that you ate popsicles for breakfast if you don't tell on me. ;P

With that, I'm off to Seattle. Any recommendations for must-visit eateries, drinkeries, ice cream parlors, and sights? I haven't been to Seattle since elementary school (and one day in high school when we were passing through to Alaska), so I'm quite excited. Please leave any recs you might have in the comments--they will be put to good use! :)

Read on for recipe....

Smashed Berry, Lime, and Coconut Yogurt Ice Pops
makes about 8 medium-sized ice pops

8 oz mixed berries (raspberries, blackberries, olallieberries, etc.)
juice of 1 lime, freshly squeezed
3½ Tbspn sugar
16 oz Greek yogurt
1/2 cup + 2 Tbspn coconut milk (with cream)
big pinch of salt

1. Mix together the berries, lime juice, and 1 Tbspn of sugar. Let sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then mash roughly with a fork. Set aside.
2. In a separate bowl, mix together the Greek yogurt, coconut milk (with cream), 2 1/2 Tbspn of sugar, and salt. Fold in the berries — juice and all — but make sure to leave streaks.
3. Fill ice pop molds and freeze for about 30 minutes to an hour, then insert ice pop sticks halfway. Freeze until solid — about 4 hours or overnight.
4. To unmold, dip the popsicle molds in running water or leave out for a few minutes.

Note on coconut milk: make sure to stir together the cream and milk in the coconut milk before using.
