

I know I promised a recipe, but lately after putting the first issue of sated to bed, I've been in a bit of a slump, not being 100% satisfied with anything that's coming out of my kitchen or camera experiments. Like, meyer lemon and mandarin orange bars, which were too sweet or had a weird consistency each time I tested the recipe, or lavender caramel and goat cheese brownies, which were great the few times I've made them but never fully satisfying (I think the goat cheese is just too much for me). So, alas, here are a few places you can get your desserts for breakfast fix in the meantime:

>> sated magazine previews are up on the magazine's blog here and here.
>> I did an interview with Lulu at Voyage Gourmand a while back. Here it is--translated into French! (for the English version, scroll down in the link.)
>> Anita Chu and I are giving a talk about food photography trends and style in the current blogosphere next weekend at BlogHer Food in Seattle. If you'll be there (or even in the area), stop by and say "hi" and ask us tough questions about food photography and watch us sweat as we try to answer them. :)

More experimenting in the kitchen this weekend: wish me better luck and success than I've had recently!