
Runeberg Redux

Happy Runeberg Day! I've moved, and taken up a new job, and now I'm back in a place with at least one Finnish colleague. A conversat...

Traveling Desserts: Vanilla Pudding and Fifteens

What do you do when you're living at an AirBnB and having super foodies over for dinner? I was faced with this predicament when I was in...

Apricot and Poppyseed Crostata

A few years back when I was last in Rome , we lived in the neighborhood of one of the best biscotterias  in town. Amongst display cases stac...

Chocolate beet cake with kale chips and almonds, or the otherwise known as the "Eat Your Salad and Have Cake, Too" Cake.

Every now and then, I come across a post sitting in my Drafts folder that I never got around to publishing. There are a few usual reasons fo...

(mis)Fortune Cookies: Matcha-Orange Flower and Brown Butter

A good deal of ink has been spilt chronicling the trials and tribulations of being a graduate student. And with good reason, since said tri...

Passionfruit and Espresso Tosca Cake

I've always maintained that the best desserts I make are ones that are designed with a specific person in mind. There's something ab...