
Where Cars Kill

Every year tens of thousands of people are hit by cars in New York. The New Yorker has released an interactive map which allows you to see w...

America's Mass Shooting Problem

School Shootings are an almost uniquely American problem. While it is true that school shootings have taken place in other countries around ...

The Deadly Streets of San Francisco

Six times a day, every day of the week someone is injured by a car in San Francisco. A car injures someone approximately every four hours on...

The NYPD is Spying on You

There are thousands of surveillance cameras in New York which can track your movements around the city. The New York Police Department's...

2020 Police Killings

Police in the United States killed 1,114 people in 2020. Despite making up only 13% of the population 28% of those killed by the police were...

Mapping Prisons

Convict Landscapes is an interactive map which allows you to explore plans of the former penal settlement of Port Arthur in Tasmania. From 1...

The Crime Fighter's Dashboard.

By day I'm a mild mannered cartography. By night I am the Masked Mapper! With my sidekick Compass Boy I roam the streets of New York fig...

Real-Time Cyber Attack Maps

Yesterday's huge ransomware attack on websites around the world seems to have reignited interest in the live real-time mapping of cyber ...

Predicting White Collar Crime

Many police forces now use predictive policing models to identify locations where crimes are most likely to occur. These models scientifical...

New York's Mountains of Crime

NYC Crime Trends is a 3D mapped visualization of New York crime data. The application shows three months worth of crime as an elevation laye...

Mapping Gun Violence in Rio

Amnesty International in Brazil has released an interactive map to crowd-source incidents of gun violence in Rio de Janeiro. There have been...

Arresting Americans by Location

In Mineral Country, Nevada the annual arrest rate is 2 people per 100,000. Just over the border in Esmeralda County the arrest rate is an in...

Mapping Oakland Police Killings

Over the last few years Maps Mania has featured a few maps from San Francisco's Anti-Eviction Mapping Project. These include the Ellis A...

Mapping Hit and Run in L.A.

Between 2002 and 2012 the overall number of hit-and-run accidents in Los Angeles County dropped by 30%. That's the good news. The bad ne...

United States Arrest Rates

To illustrate a report on the Racial Gap in U.S. Arrest Rates USA Today has created an interactive map which compares the arrest rates of bl...

The Problem With Crime Maps

I've never been completely convinced of the legitimacy of crime maps. There are obvious dangers of stigmatizing neighborhoods and areas ...