
Where Cars Kill

Every year tens of thousands of people are hit by cars in New York. The New Yorker has released an interactive map which allows you to see w...

America's Mass Shooting Problem

School Shootings are an almost uniquely American problem. While it is true that school shootings have taken place in other countries around ...

The Deadly Streets of San Francisco

Six times a day, every day of the week someone is injured by a car in San Francisco. A car injures someone approximately every four hours on...

The NYPD is Spying on You

There are thousands of surveillance cameras in New York which can track your movements around the city. The New York Police Department's...

2020 Police Killings

Police in the United States killed 1,114 people in 2020. Despite making up only 13% of the population 28% of those killed by the police were...

Mapping Prisons

Convict Landscapes is an interactive map which allows you to explore plans of the former penal settlement of Port Arthur in Tasmania. From 1...