
Mapping the Social Inequality Gap

The Social Capital Gap is an interactive map which shows where in the United States people with low and high incomes are friends with each o...

The Continuing Legacy of Redlining

In the 1930s, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, black homeowners across the United States were discriminated against thr...

The Affordable Housing Map

The average house price for all home types in the United States is now around $295,000. The days of being able to buy a five figure starter ...

The Privatization of East Germany

Before the reunification of Germany in 1990 there were over 8,000 state run enterprises in the GDR. The VEB (Volkseigener Betrieb) were publ...

Visualizing the Loss of American Jobs

In the last seven weeks 33.5 million people have filed for unemployment in the United States. On Wednesday Automatic Data Processing, the US...

Mapping the Loss of Jobs

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on the U.S. economy. The glacial response of the government in responding to this econ...