
Redistricting America

Every ten years, after the national census, states have to redraw their congressional districts in response to changes in the population dat...

Mapping the French Election

Macron's En Marche! party has failed to win a majority in France's new National Assembly following strong performances by the left-w...

What Matters in the Midterm Elections

In order to find out which issues voters care most about for the upcoming midterms, Axios analyzed which issues were being searched the most...

Australian Election Maps

Australia's conservative Coalition government has lost power for the first time in nearly a decade. The Labor Party is projected to win ...

How Election Maps Lie

Tomorrow (21 May 2022) Australia goes to the polls to elect a new government. Ahead of the election and before the results begin to be visua...

2022 French Election Maps

Yesterday the people of France, given a choice between a center-right candidate and an extreme right-wing candidate, decided to vote for the...