
Mapping the Health Effects of Climate Change

 The Wellcome Trust has mapped out 120 years of climate data in order to explore the health effects of climate change. In Tracking the healt...

The Poor & Poor Health in Brussels

The investigative journalism magazine Médor has undertaken an extremely detailed examination of the health of Brussels. In Bruxelles Malade ...

Mapping Vaccination Rates

The Washington Post has released an interactive map which visualizes vaccination rates at the county level in the United States. Using the P...

Tracking Global Coronavirus Vaccinations

The New York Times is tracking the progress that countries around the world are making in vaccinating their citizens. You can view the resul...

Honoring America's Covid Victims

In America: How Could This Happen is an interactive map which displays virtual flags in honor of people who have died as a result of the cor...

California's Healthy Places

The Public Health Alliance of Southern California has created an interactive map which can help Californian residents explore the local cond...