
The Oligarch Yacht Map

In March I attempted to track the assets of Russian oligarchs with a little help for real-time aviation & marine tracking maps. Oligarch...

The Importance of the Indian Ocean

The Strategic Importance of the Indian Ocean is a new interactive map which seeks to underline the strategic importance of the Indian Ocean ...

The 2022 Submarine Cable Map

Every year the telecommunications company Telegeography releases a new map to visualize the updated global network of undersea telecommunica...

Can You Navigate the Suez Canal?

Thanks to the Ever Given we are now all aware that steering a 1,312-foot, 220,000 ton container ship is fraught with difficulty. With the he...

Evergreen Anti-Shipping

A new interactive map shows how the Evergreen shipping company could effectively bring international marine traffic to a halt with just a fe...

How to Free the Ever Given

For nearly three days a huge container ship has been stuck in the Suez canal. This has caused huge disruption to global shipping. Rerouting ...

Mapping Where the Rivers Flow

Over the last few days Stamen Design has been busy creating animated maps which visualize some of the major watersheds of the world. The ani...

Global Elevation & Bathymetry Data

Last week I posted a short review of Nicolas Lambert's Elevation Scan, a clever interactive map which visualizes the relative elevation ...

Mapping Mumbai's Coastal Ecosystems

If you live in Mumbai and have ever wondered about the types of marine life which live on the local shores of the Arabian sea you can now re...

The Icebreaking Ships of the Baltic

Despite the effects of global heating parts of the Baltic Sea are still often blocked by ice during the coldest winter months. The task of b...

Global Shipping Traffic

VesselFinder is an interactive map which shows in real-time the live position of over 100,000 vessels around the world. The map uses AIS and...

Explore the Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Queensland Australia, is the largest coral reef system in the world. The reef structure is made up ...

The Passengers & Crew of the Titanic

When the Titanic sank on 15 April 1912 there were 908 crew members on board. 696 of those crew members died. The vast majority of the crew o...

Exploring Ocean Data

The Ocean Navigator is an interactive map for visualizing and exploring scientific data about the world's oceans. The map allows you to ...

Corona Cruises

Holland America's MS Zaandam is currently approaching Florida where it is now being allowed to dock. The ship has had four deaths on boa...

Sunken Ships of World War I & II

Sunken Ships of the Second World War is an interactive map showing the locations of 13,000 ships which were sunken during the Second World W...