
Raspberry Rhubarb Pie for the Ultimate Pi Day

This past weekend was the Ultimate, Once-In-A-Lifetime Pi Day. And so I emerged from my baking hibernation to celebrate, because one only en...

Rhubarb Jam Tart and Postcards from Seattle

I've been so horrible about posting regularly, but it's summer and there's this incredibly geeky thing called Diablo III that I...

Sugared Coconut Raspberries and Rhubarb Polenta Cake

The single most important thing in this post: sugared coconut raspberries are like crack . It's sort of a long and rambling story to get...

Rhubarb tarts with orange-honey fromage blanc

It's been insanely busy here in the studio working non-stop on a big upcoming project that I promise I'll divulge more about soooooo...