
Human I.D. Implants: Verichip is now called PositiveID

Verichip is now called PositiveID! Roll up your sleeve for the implantable human microchip, it's now Positive?   An ELECTRONIC IDENTIFIC...

Are We in a State of Emergency – Or Are We?

Are We in a State of Emergency – Or Are We? Imagine how easily this could cause massive problems for anyone;  your cellphone being monitor...

Big Brother is Reading Your eMail (and everything else)

Big Brother is Reading Your eMail Who says the NAZIs lost WW2? Video (5:41) @  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GspsG3Jd5co&feature=play...

How much freedom can one man stand?

How much freedom can one man stand? Not much more, dear hearts, not much more By Joe Bageant Freedom comes in many forms in America, and n...

Twitter: The CIA is following you.

Twitter: The CIA is following you. Recently reported by Wired Magazine, the CIA has secured a stake in Visible Technologies, which is is s...