


I took the transporter home because I wanted to get here instantly so that I could continue this journal. I have heard that we can communicate beyond time, so I am trying to send these entries to the time just before our ascension. Our teachers, who prefer to be called Friends, are helping us to restore our full memory, They remind us that we can assist the process of ascension before it even begins, that is before it begins in that time-line. I have decided to create this journal so that those just before ascension can see what at wonderful reality they are coming to.  

I am not a special person at all, nor was I special before my ascension. I was a young man in my early twenties just beginning to find myself. I was not particularly spiritual, but my mind was very open to that “movement,” which I had heard a bit about. I would not say that I had given any great service to humanity or that I was even connected to any Spirit Guides. I was just a regular young man trying to find myself.

What I found was much more than I could have ever imagined. My awakening was quite gradual, in that day-by-day I began to recognize small changes in my thoughts and habits. Of course, now I know that thoughts ARE habits, so I was actually changing. However, at that time, I didn’t know that. I thought that I was just trying to adapt to a world that seemed to be falling apart. I had a college degree, but it did me little good, as there were no jobs. The financial world was totally falling apart, and the weather was out of control.

The thing that surprised me was that I was not afraid. I don’t know why I wasn’t afraid. In fact, I thought maybe I was a bit crazy or some kind of looser that I was not afraid that I couldn’t “make an impact” on the world. I guess I was a bit of a kid in a man’s body. However, I did have some unusual dreams. I kept having dreams of losing people. These people were in my life and, then, they were suddenly gone. I would wake up in the morning quite upset. Often I would text these people, and sure enough, they would answer the text, wondering why I was contacting them so early in the morning.

I guess they were surprised because I usually slept in. I mean, my job was of no consequence, in fact, I can’t quite remember what it was. I think that is another reason why I am writing this journal. I am forgetting that reality more and more. I do want to do something important now. I mean, my purpose of assisting with creating this new world is wonderfully purposeful, but I feel like I left that world without really doing anything for it. Maybe I just feel guilty that I ascended.

Our “Friends” tell us that guilt is one of the harder habits to release, and I can attest to that. They also said that all time is an illusion, so if there is anything in that last reality that we would like to re-do, we can. I want to re-do that I didn’t give anything, and I got so very much by coming here. I feel the unconditional love rising within me at the mere thought of our blessed I am to have come here. The Friends tell us that our ascension was a birthright and that we didn’t need to do anything other than choose to come here. I guess I would like others who might see this to know that bit of information.

I would also like to share a bit of my process so that it won’t be too frightening to those who are in the time-line in which ascension is just beginning. I was frightened, but not frightened at the same time. I know that may sound impossible, but many paradoxes happened towards the end, or what it the beginning? I mean, It the end of that reality, but the beginning of this one. Therefore, I will call that process the “Transition.” At the time, it did not feel like an ending or like a beginning. It felt like a transition from one way of seeing reality to another way.

In fact, it was “seeing” the Transition that happened first for me. Others would hear things, feel things or just Know that something very different was happening. I had always been a bit of a sci-fi buff, so my transition began with seeing “flying saucers.” Of course, know I know that that is not the correct term, as they do not fly and they are no saucers. They transport and they are more like houses because Beings (people may not be the correct word) live on them, sometimes for hundred of years.

Also, they do not move my flying. Instead, they move by thought direction. They are in one area, then the Captain or Engineer, whoever is in the Command Center, merges with the Ship and thinks of a location. Instantly, the Ship is there. However, when I saw them on 3D Earth they looedk like they were flying, which they would pretend to do for the sake of the grounded ones. The inhabitants of the Ships, that is after the landings, would think themselves into a form that was not too frightening to their observers. On the other hand, they could determine if a person would be upset by their true appearance, and would show that if that observer was fine with it.

Being a sci-fi person, I thought it was cool to see their different forms, so they showed them to me. However, if I was standing next to someone who didn’t want that truth, they would see a humanoid form. At first, I thought I was crazy because I saw things that other people didn’t. Maybe that was why I could come here. I was not afraid. Maybe because my life was so useless and devoid of purpose, I was able to embrace what seemed impossible at the time? The Friends tell us that our Souls were in control of our transition and created whatever reality would lead us to our ascension.

I believe whatever the Friends tell us, as their unconditional love leads me to totally appreciate their help, but on 3D Earth I had NO concept of my even having a Soul. I was not religious or exceptionally smart or even well read. I was just a guy trying to get by in a very difficult world. On the other hand, I do now feel my true SELF inside of me now, and I know that I am in the process of fully expressing that version of consciousness. When I can fully remember and become my true SELF, I will remember how to move beyond this reality and into the higher dimensional expressions of life.

I think that writing this journey is an important part of that Transition, for our Transition does not end with the ascension. In fact, our Transition BEGINS with our ascension. Anyway, I guess I created this form of reality now (I do finally admit that I am creating everything in my life) so that I can give now what I was unable to give before I ascended to this world. What I want to give to whoever reads this journal is that YOU don’t have to DO anything or even BE anything special.

You, whoever you are, deserve to ascend because you chose to ascend. I am just now remembering all the many lives I had on Earth and all the many things I did in those incarnations. I don’t full understand why I was just the “regular guy” when I ascended, but maybe it was to write this journal and to say that in your time-line:
You deserve to ascend simply because You ARE.