
Creating New Earth 3

I hope it hasn’t been too long since you have heard from me in your time. I have no way of knowing, as we do not have time, as you know it here. I have a strong impression that my journey is being read. I don’t know how to explain how I know things here, as I am just getting the hang of “Knowing.” The Friends say that the most important thing is that we trust ourselves. There are no enemies here to be on-guard against and we don’t have “bosses” who tell us what we have to do. We DO what we ARE. I didn’t know what that meant before, and I still can’t explain it, but I do Know it.

I remember how at the end of our old world, or was it the beginning of this new one, we all went into a sleeping kind state. Time seemed to grind to a standstill and, along the end of time, all our routines, duties, obligations and responsibilities seemed to have little importance. We all felt like we were half awake and half asleep. We would move around and do some small thing, like feed our bodies, and then we would doze off for another “sleep.” It wasn’t until we met in this world that we realized that all of us was doing the same thing.

It seemed like an eternal Sunday where our obligations were not calling us, but something else was pulling us deep, deep inside of our selves. It seemed like we were at the edge of a deep tunnel, but this tunnel was filled with a warm glow and a welcoming presence. There was no obligation to enter the inner tunnel, but the temptation was irresistible. At first we entered it shyly like a young kitten moving towards a saucer of milk. However, after we had gone just a short way into the tunnel, we woke up without ever knowing we had gone to sleep.
Finally, I decided that the next time I would remain awake the whole time I was in the tunnel. However, the tunnel seemed infinite and I could only take so much of the light, which grew brighter and brighter as I went deeper into the inner tunnel. I had never meditated before, so I was unable to understand then that the inner tunnel was a representation of my journey into the Core of my consciousness. In fact, I didn’t even know exactly what consciousness meant. The thing was, I didn’t really have a choice, and the drive to enter that tunnel was so overwhelming that I couldn’t resist it.

The Friends have told us that there were many people who did not give up their daily routines, did not enter the tunnel, and some of them didn’t even see it. There were many who could not believe in their own perceptions enough to trust themselves. Instead, they saw the tunnel as some form of hallucination that needed to be resisted.

Many were experiencing these inner tunnels of light, but the ones who were afraid to think outside of the box were sure that there was poison gas or something. There was quite a buzz about the possibilities of great harm. On the other hand, those that entered the tunnel could not believe there was any harm because the tunnel felt so warm, safe, secure and, well, loving. Since these love-filled tunnels were inside of our own imagination, or consciousness as I later learned, we had the unusual experience of truly loving our self.

The best part of this love was that it was unconditional. We didn’t have to do anything special or be anyone different or better. Likely, for the first time in our life, we felt that we were perfect just the way we were. I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful that was for me. As I said before, I was just a regular kind of guy. I had done nothing special, nor did I feel special in any way. Nonetheless, while I was in the tunnel I felt like, I don’t know how to say it, I felt like I was ALIVE for the very first time.

Because I had to slowly adapt to the tunnel I would eventually “fall asleep” and wake up outside of the tunnel, but each time I could stay in the tunnel longer and go deeper and deeper into it. As I went further into this inner tunnel of light the sensations began to change. At first they were soft and gentle, like a morning breeze. However, as I entered deeper parts of the tunnel, the light became as bright as a mid-day Sun in summer. It was then that the changes began to take place.

For one thing, when I went into the tunnel again, I found myself no longer at the beginning of it, but instead found myself at the place/brightness that I was in before I “fell asleep.” Once I entered this brightness, the sense of love became so overwhelming that my body could hardly contain it. In fact, the body that I went into the tunnel with was NOT the same body I was wearing at this depth of the tunnel. Yes, I know that sounds weird, but as I continue this journal you will hear things that are much weirder than that.

Before I close this journal entry, let me tell you what happened to my body when I was in that light. It is hard to describe it, but it was like my body kind of disappeared into the light and actually became the light. While I was in the tunnel it was like I had no body at all. Then, when I “woke up” in my old world, my body was glowing and felt very different. At first I could only hold this glow and unique feeling for a few seconds, which progressed to minutes, then even as long as an hour.

For a long time I was stuck at the hour mark of being able to maintain that light body, and I was getting frustrated. Then, I began to hear voices in the tunnel and see glistening forms quickly move past me.  At first this frightened me, and I immediately found myself outside of the tunnel. I decided that my fear didn’t allow me to stay in that light, so I concentrated on overcoming that old habit of fearing anything that was new.

With the release of that old fear of change, my process progressed exponentially. The first difference is that, without the fear, I stopped “falling asleep.” I began to learn that when I had experienced all that my consciousness could hold , I would will myself out of the tunnel. I learned this skill by mistake. One time, I was getting overwhelming and on the edge of that old feeling of fear and I instinctively called out, “Enough!”

Instantly, I was outside of the tunnel, and able to remember every part of my experience because I had not fallen “asleep.” I was learned to accept that which I did not understand and to wait until I could understand it. Because of this new attitude, which we free of fear and self-judgment, I found I could accept greater and greater light. Furthermore, the unknown light beings that had swished past me before could feel my growing self-confidence and remained still at the edge of my vision until I was ready to address them.

Inside the tunnel there was no time, so I don’t know how long it took before I found the courage to address them, but in outside, earth time it was quite a while. Suddenly, one day I told myself that when I went into the tunnel this time, I would address these beings. That was when I first met the Friends. Since that first meeting they have been my continual companion. I say “they” because they are of a Group Consciousness. Generally, they exist a pure consciousness, but will willingly take on any form that makes us comfortable, so that we can better communicate with them.

I feel like I should take a moment here to tell you that my life within the tunnel gradually became the time when I was AWAKE, whereas my life outside of the tunnel became the time when I was asleep. I walked through my mundane life as if I was dreaming. Somehow, I knew that I had to still play the “3D Game,” and go to work, pay my bills, do my chores and see my friends and family. However, I found that I was mostly spending time with people within whom I could share my experiences in the tunnel because the, too, had found and entered that inner tunnel.

We even got together in groups and went into our “separate” inner tunnel and found each other in the tunnel that we had formerly thought was just ours. First we started in the same room, and then we found that we could be anywhere. All we had to do was to decide to meet in the tunnel. Then, no matter what time or place we were in outside of the tunnel, sure enough, we would find each other inside our “own” inner tunnel.

At this point, the separation between tunnel, friends and family was not the same in our outer worlds either, because we all felt like ONE being when we met inside. This is when I/we addressed the Beings who appeared to live inside the tunnel. On the other hand, one of the first things they told us was there is NO outside or inside, for there was NO time or space to create that kind of “separation.”

That statement was a bit of a shock for me.  Even though I had experienced that unity, I figured that was just inside the tunnel, and the tunnel wasn’t real, was it? I guess I had been so enamored with the “meditations” I was having that I never thought that I was actually moving into a whole different reality that was based on a totally opposite foundation.

The shift from thinking in terms of time and space to Here and Now is largely why we are in New Earth. This reality appears much like our old life in many ways. We appear to have separate bodies, but we do see the light that flows between them and connects us to all life. Also, the bodies warp in and out between Lightbody and a denser version of that form. The Friends have told us that this denser version, which looks like our old form, only it is totally healed and youthful, is a temporary condition until we are ready to move into the Mid-fifth dimensional realities.

Personally, I am not quite ready for that. Besides, I am really enjoying this world. I am planning now, which could always change, to stay in this world, the New Earth, and help the ones in Matrix World to see what they are missing. I, also, feel like I need to gain more wisdom, inner power, and I need some more work on the unconditional love of my self. The Friends tell us that our full force of unconditional love, which is the Source of all creation, will only be realized when we love ourselves unconditionally. In other words, we can only send out as much unconditional love as we can have for our self.

Oh, yes, that brings up the whole part about our Multidimensional SELF and how we have myriad expressions of our SELF all over the Multiverse. But, I will have to understand that a LOT more before I can share it with you, whoever you are. I am signing off for now, but I send you my unconditional love.