New Earth Part 4
I wanted to start this entry with more about our journey into the tunnel. As we all became more comfortable in the tunnel, we begin to hear what the fleeting Beings around us were saying. It was very interesting, for when we shared what we had heard, we found that we all had a very personal version of that particular topic. Therefore, even though all of us, and our group was growing bigger everyday, thought that we were hearing the same message, each of us was being personally addressed.
How can this be, we wondered? In response, we all heard the same response, which was, “Your multidimensional consciousness is fully operational inside of our Corridor.” At once we all thought, “Who is our?” and “What Corridor.” It was then that we first learned about the Arcturian Corridor. The tunnel was actually a Corridor through which all Beings pass whenever they move into a higher dimensional expression of life. They also move through this Corridor when they move into a lower dimension, such as being born on third dimensional Earth.
In this manner, we met the first members of the Friends. Once we met the Arcturians our transformations began. When we were outside of the Corridor in our “normal” 3D life, we struggled with doubting that our experiences were real. Therefore, we exchanged email address and began to communicate on a regular basis that, “Yes, this is happening.” And, “No, we are not crazy or making this up.” I cannot tell you how important these regular messages were. For us it was so VERY important to know that others shared our experience and we were not alone.
In fact, more and more, the concept of “alone” was leaving our thoughts and emotions. We had such a wonderful support group that we always had someone to talk to whenever we doubted our process. As we moved deeper through the Corridor, in our meditations, our process of transmutation (the word the Arcturians used for change) became quite challenging. I say “in our meditations” because we all still had physical bodies, physical lives, families, friends, jobs, responsibilities and all those aspects of 3D life. However, we were becoming increasingly attracted to our visits in the Corridor and cared less and less about our 3D reality.
We were learning from the Arcturians, and other members of the Friends who communed with us, that we were ascending into a higher dimension of reality. Many of us, including myself, had great difficulty with that concept. I had never heard the word “ascend” except to go up stairs or something. Also, the word “dimensions” had a very 3D meaning. Since I was always a Sci Fi buff, I enjoyed the thought of other worlds and different kinds of life forms, but I thought it was, well, fiction.
At this point, fiction was becoming fact and all the facts of life that I had held so dear were becoming completely obsolete. The shift in thinking was creating great anxiety until I finally got the nerve to ask the Arcturians about my problem while I was in the Corridor. I will quote them, as will never forget what they said:
“Our dear ascending one, we wish to tell you that all the world is changing because you are changing and not the other way around. YOU are the creator of your reality, and because you have chosen to return to our Corridor again and again, you are becoming a higher frequency version of your great, Multidimensional SELF. It is through the expanded perceptions of your SELF that you are able to perceive the higher dimensional version of Earth. This reality was always there. You just were not, yet, calibrated to perceive it.”
That short statement makes up the bulk of all the lessons that we are learning on New Earth. As we expand the frequency our SELF, we are able to directly experience realities that were once only “science fiction.” Therefore, I must share with you that I am not at the end of my ascension. Instead, I am at the beginning of it.
And, so are YOU!!