
Escape from Alcatraz - The Map

The Washington Post has published an interesting account of the escape of three detainees from Alcatraz in June 1962. No one knows if the th...

Mapping Vancouver Property Prices

The Vancouver Land Prices Heat Map visualizes the price for Vancouver parcels of land based on the 2014 BC assessment data from tax reports....

Historical New York Map Tiles

I'm a huge fan of the New York Public Library's Map Warper project. Using the tool people have been digitally aligning the library...

Where the River Flows

Recently Stephen Von Worley created a series of beautiful maps, Crayon the Grids, in which the U.S.'s roads were colored by orientation....

The Snow Plows of Newark

On the eve of Thanksgiving the brave men and women of the City of Newark were busy plowing the streets of snow. Their efforts have been immo...

Positron & Dark Matter Map Layers

CartoDB has released two nice new basemaps, which can be used for free in any CartoDB or Leaflet created map. The two new basemaps, based on...