
Mapping the Eternal City

In 1748 the Italian architect and surveyor Giambattista Nolli published an ichnographic plan of Rome. Nolli's 'Great Plan of Rome...

Mapping Stores Open in Italy

Last month a French interactive map was released to show which stores were open and which were closed during the lock-down in France. Ça re...

Our Sidewalks Are Too Narrow

The Florence Sidewalks Map visualizes the widths of sidewalks in the Italian city of Florence. It allows users to see where in the city it i...

The Sistine Chapel Virtual Tour

Saint Peter’s Square and the Sistine Chapel may now be closed. However the Vatican Museum's website is still open and so is its Sistine ...

At Home in Italy

Italy has been under lock-down for three weeks now. Under the lock-down Italians are only allowed to leave their homes for work or health re...

Falling Air Pollution Around the World

Yesterday I posted news of the European Space Agency's animation of falling nitrogen dioxide emissions over Europe from Jan 1st to March...