
Where Young People Are Moving

Migration Patterns is a new interactive map from the U.S. Census Bureau and Harvard University which reveals the towns and cities where youn...

Redistricting America

Every ten years, after the national census, states have to redraw their congressional districts in response to changes in the population dat...
The (Not So) Great Salt Lake

The (Not So) Great Salt Lake

The Great Salt Lake in Utah is very, very big. Although it isn't as big as it used to be. In 1987 the lake was 3,300 square miles in siz...

Climbing the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Climbers Nathan Longhurst and Travis Soares are both attempting to climb all 247 peaks in the 'Sierra Peaks Section' of the Sierra N...

The Climate Shift Index

The Climate Shift Index shows you how much global heating has influenced today's weather. Every day the Climate Shift Index map reveals ...

Mapping Vintage Newspapers

The Library of Congress' Chronicaling America project digitizes historic newspapers from across the United States. Using the site anyone...
They Paved Paradise

They Paved Paradise

USA Parking Lots is an interactive map of the United States which blacks out every single parking lot in the country. Of course because this...
Brooklyn Bridge is Falling Down

Brooklyn Bridge is Falling Down

Brooklyn Bridge may not be about to fall down any time soon, however according to the U.S. National Bridge Inventory Map it is in 'poor ...

Scratch & Sniff New York

Under the grey, decrepit streets of New York there is a shiny, modern 21st Century city just waiting to emerge. At least there is on Chris W...

Where Cars Kill

Every year tens of thousands of people are hit by cars in New York. The New Yorker has released an interactive map which allows you to see w...

What Matters in the Midterm Elections

In order to find out which issues voters care most about for the upcoming midterms, Axios analyzed which issues were being searched the most...

America's Mass Shooting Problem

School Shootings are an almost uniquely American problem. While it is true that school shootings have taken place in other countries around ...

Polluting the Poor in San Francisco

If you are on a low income in San Francisco then you are probably breathing polluted air. On average the poorest San Franciscans have a 30% ...

The Deadly Streets of San Francisco

Six times a day, every day of the week someone is injured by a car in San Francisco. A car injures someone approximately every four hours on...

The NYPD is Spying on You

There are thousands of surveillance cameras in New York which can track your movements around the city. The New York Police Department's...
Street Widths in American Cities

Street Widths in American Cities

American streets tend to be much wider than streets in other countries. The average width of a residential street in the United States is 55...