
GPS Jamming

I've been following John Wiseman's Twitter feed for a while, where he has been posting regular maps showing where pilots have experi...

Data Spiders

Hub and Spoke is an interactive map which shows you the eight closest airports from any location on Earth. Click anywhere on this map and tu...

Prevailing Winds & Runway Alignment

Wind History is a new interactive map which shows the prevailing wind directions around weather stations in the United States. Most of these...

24 Hours of Global Flight Traffic

Google has released an animated map visualizing 24 hours of global flight traffic around the world. The WebGL Air Traffic Demo has been rele...

The D.C. Helicopter Map

There are a lot of helicopters flying over Washington D.C. If you ever want to know more about a chopper currently hovering overhead you can...

The Flights of the Dictators

Airplane tracking maps like Flightradar24 and FlightAware are a fantastic resource for tracking flights around the world in real-time. Howev...

No Fly Free Zones

In response to the more virulent variants of Covid-19 which are now emerging lots of nations around the world appear to be updating their li...

Mapping the Empty Skies

When I sit in my garden in East London I can normally see three or four planes circling London in the  holding stacks used by flights coming...

Mapping the World's Empty Airports

One result of the spread of Coranavirus Covid-19 around the world has been a large reduction in people traveling by air. A few weeks ago, in...

Follow Solar Impulse Live

Bertrand Piccard is currently flying over the Atlantic in Solar Impulse, the latest stage in the first round the world solar powered flight....

World Flight Paths on a 3d Globe

Yesterday ArGIS released 3d Scene Viewer. This new option in ArcGIS allows developers to add an interactive 3d WebGL globe view to maps crea...

New York Flight Patterns

A lot of maps using CartoDB's Torque library come in for a bit of criticism. This can be especially true of the many animated Twitter ma...

Flying Bing Airlines

MondoWindow is a great Bing Maps based application which allows you to follow along with any flight. If you are on a Wi-Fi connected flight ...

Airport Slippy Maps

Creating interactive indoor maps isn't easy. One major problem is that architects like to design buildings with more than one level. Thi...