
Runnabilty Scores

Over the last few years a number of organizations have developed methodologies for ranking the 'walkability' of streets. Interactive...

Putting Women on the Map

Yesterday, in honor of International Women's Day, Canada's Minister of Natural Resources announced the release of a new interactive ...

Covid-19 School Tracking Maps

The Canada COVID-19 School Tracker is an interactive map which is plotting COVID-19 outbreaks in schools across Canada. The map is designed ...

Melting Borders

The border between Alberta and British Colombia is moving. This shifting border has nothing to do with any territorial dispute between the t...

Mapping House Prices

In January Demographia International named Vancouver the 3rd least affordable housing market in the world, behind Hong Kong and Sydney. The ...

Around Canada in 150 Days

In celebration of Canada's 150th birthday 'Canada C3' is sailing coast to coast from Toronto to Victoria via the Northwest Passa...

How Students Travel

Every day around 184,000 post-secondary students in Toronto travel to their lectures via foot, bike, car and public transit. In order to hel...

Vintage Maps of Toronto

The Geospatial Centre at the University of Waterloo has been busy digitizing its collection of historical maps. You can view these vintage C...

Mapping the Tragically Hip

It has been a good week for Canadian music maps. On Tuesday we reported on the Canadian Geographic: On the Coast map of Canadian locations f...

Songs About Canada

Everybody knows that Canada rocks and now, thanks to a new interactive map, we know where it rocks. Canadian Geographic: On the Coast is a m...

Mapping Canada's Coastline

The World Wildlife Fund has released an interactive map examining the habitats of marine species, human activity and conservation efforts ar...

Mapping the Languages of Canada

Last year the 10 and 3 mapped the most prevalent languages, besides French and English, spoken in Canadian homes. Using data from the 2011 c...

Animating Increasing Property Values

The Vancouver Assessment Map is an interactive map showing how land assessment values have changed in Vancouver over the last ten years. The...

Hydropowered Canadians

Hydropower produces about 60% of all the electricity generated in Canada. You can explore Canada's coast to coast hydropower infrastruct...

Mapping Vancouver Property Prices

The Vancouver Land Prices Heat Map visualizes the price for Vancouver parcels of land based on the 2014 BC assessment data from tax reports....

Mapping the Toronto Municipal Election

This Google Maps based 2014 Toronto Municipal Election map is a really nicely designed visualization of the recent Toronto elections. The ma...