
The California Primaries

Nationwide maps of the Super Tuesday primary results are great for visualizing how the main Democratic presidential hopefuls performed acros...

Making L.A. Safer for Pedestrians

If there is one city in the USA that really needs a Vision Zero initiative it is Los Angeles. Over 2,800 people have lost their lives on the...

L.A.'s Elevated Levels of Lead

Children in 323 neighborhood areas in Los Angeles County have lead levels at least as high as found in Flint, Michigan. Some have levels at ...

Destination 36: Los Angeles

I was in LA last week giving a work research talk, and afterwards, my colleagues and I took two very, very rare days off and did sightseeing...

Mapping Hit and Run in L.A.

Between 2002 and 2012 the overall number of hit-and-run accidents in Los Angeles County dropped by 30%. That's the good news. The bad ne...

The Rapid Beating Heart of LA

LA Metro Movement is an animated map of LA's Metro Rapid buses. The map shows the routes of LA's Rapid bus lines with the recorded l...